Controlled fields

Sometimes you have a component that isn't a native form control. Those cases are really straigthforward to handle with RVF.

Simple cases

For many controlled components, you can simply spread getControlProps onto the component. In order for a component to support this, it needs to:

  • Accept a ref to a focusable HTML element.
    • This is important! -- if you omit this, RVF will try to manage the field like an uncontrolled field.
  • Have onChange and onBlur handlers.
  • Accept a value prop.
  • Optionally, can accept a name prop
const form = useForm({
  // ...etc

return (
  <form {...form.getFormProps()}>
    <MyControlledInput {...form.getControlProps("myField")} />

If your controlled component renders a native form control with the provided name prop, or if you're exclusively using state mode, then that's all you need to do.

If that isn't the case, you'll also need to serialize the value into a hidden input in order for the value to appear in the forms FormData. Fortunately, there's a getHiddenInputProps helper to help with that.

const form = useForm({
  // ...etc

const field = form.field("myField");

return (
  <form {...form.getFormProps()}>
    <MyControlledInput {...field.getControlProps()} />
        // If you leave out `serialize`, RVF will assume the value is already a string
        serialize: val => JSON.stringify(val),

More complicated cases

If simply spreading getControlProps isn't enough for your use-case, the FieldApi exposes all the tools you need to wire up your component manually.

The key APIs to look at are: