
The FieldApi provides helpers for interacting with a specific field.

FieldApi methods


Returns props that can be spread onto native form controls or thin wrappers around them. It's generally recommended to use this with native form controls. And pass any other props through this helper.

It's important that the component you spread the props into accepts the ref prop. This allows RVF to set the value of the field when setValue is called, and is used to focus the field when it has an error.

<input {...field.getInputProps({ type: "number" })} />


Returns props that can be spread into controlled components to use as a field. It's important to pass the provided ref to a focusable HTML element. This allows the field to be focused when it has an error and also disables RVF's default behavior of automatically listening to changes in the field.


Returns props that can be spread into a native form control to use as a hidden field. This is useful in combination with getControlProps.


Returns the name of the field.


Returns the curent value of the field.


Sets the value of the field.


Returns the default value of the field.


Returns whether or not the field has been touched.


Manually sets the touched state of the field.


Returns whether or not the field has been changed.


Manually sets the dirty state of the field.


Returns the error message for the field, if there is one.


Clears the error message for the field.


Manually triggers validation for the field.


Resets the field to its initial value. This also resets any touched, dirty, or validation errors for the field. This works for both controlled and uncontrolled fields. For uncontrolled fields, this will manually set the value of the form control using the ref returned by field.


Has the same behavior as getControlProps().onChange. Can be useful when simply spreading getControlProps isn't enough for your use-case.


Has the same behavior as getControlProps().onBlur. Can be useful when simply spreading getControlProps isn't enough for your use-case.


You usually don't need to use this. It's intended for advanced use-cases. Allows you to directly set the ref of the field. There are two functions available: refs.controlled and refs.transient. The ref you choose to use will change the way RVF interacts with the field.

If you use refs.transient, then RVF will treat the field as an uncontrolled field. If you use refs.controlled, then RVF will treat the field as a controlled field.